Wellness Hub

Alternative Health Yoga Therapy Health Consultations Infrared Sauna Red Light Therapy Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Ice Baths


  • Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.

  • yurvedic body type consultation helps to find out the lifestyle and diet ideal for you so that total mental and physical wellness is achieved with minimal efforts. Right lifestyle can also help you to prevent illness and maintain youthfulness.

  • A Zenshiatsu session seeks to adjust the physical structure of the body and balance its energy flow. Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Zenshiatsu regulates the flow of energy through your meridian system, and is an insightful, yet deeply therapeutic style of massage that re-balances the yin yang organs and tissues.

    Reading the response through your Hara, sessions are tailored to the landscape of your individual system. This technique stimulates the natural healing powers of the body, wherefore symptoms of disease lessen and vitality is regained. Sessions are deeply therapeutic and relaxing beyond the muscles and joints. Received fully clothed, and given from a calm and meditative intention.

    When your elements are communicating smoothly, the effect is passed on though to the organs, vessels, and nerves, ultimately connecting you with your innermost sense of being.

  • hatha yoga is a traditional path of yoga that blends the use of asana (positions), mudra (hand positions) bhanda (energetic locks) and pranayama (breath-work) into a complete framework and formula to achieve self excellence, energetic mastery and true alignment in life. Hatha yoga at its most basic level, seeks to harmoniSe the opposing energies in the body.

    Dive into your specific energetic makeup and are tailored to the needs, and limitations you are currently experiencing in your life. These sessions are great ways to curate an individualised practice that is conducive to the health, longevity and energetic harmony to you specifically. Expect nervous system regulation, a deepening sense of presence and an empowering insight into the self healing capacity of applying yoga to your life.

  • Holly is a grounded, traditional hatha yogi, who has found alignment and direction in her personal and professional life through the teachings of SamayaTantra. Holly is a natural teacher, her students know her for her down to earth and humble nature. Passionate about gifting students with the tools to heal themselves, Hollys sessions Guide you towards the optimal health and vitality of not only the physical, but the mental, emotional and energetic body through the application of the traditional hatha yoga system.

  • Vedic Astrology (Jyotish ज्योतिष) is an eastern science that stems from The Veda; an ancient body of knowledge uncovering the universal laws of nature and how to live in alignment with them. Jyotish is referred to as “the eye of the veda” as it is the eye of self knowledge. It uses your unique, individual birth chart, and the current planetary movements as a gateway for you to deeply understand yourself and see your life clearly.

    A Jyotish reading can cover themes such as, the mind, emotions, spirituality, karma and dharma, work and career, health, family and relationships, current challenges and how to overcome them, aligning with your highest potential and your personal timeline.

    Both of our practitioners are master vedic astrologers who integrate the session by offering additional with resources, ayurvedic protocols, mantras and kriyas to support you beyond the reading.

  • Shakti is a Master Vedic Astrologist, studying under her teacher in the Himalayas. Shakti has a sincere devotion in her work, and natural gift in illuminating truth and empowering individuals on their path of self discovery.

  • Dalia Gencher is a master in Jyotish vedic atrology. Dalias readings provide such deep and transformative insight, leaving you feeling elevated and clear on your trajectory& direction.

State of the Art Wellness facility coming soon

Infrared Sauna Ice Baths Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Red Light Therapy Calm Rooms